Something similar happened to me last Wednesday in Appleton Wisconsin. The buck of my lifetime walks in the area about 70 yards away. Sw wind and he's coming in from the east. I put a few scent wicks to my south of stand and when he hits the scent it brings him in like he was on a string. As he is coming from left to right I'm saying Holy Crap this is a 150" plus buck and I focus on the shot and never counted points. As he is making his way to my shooting lane I make a very small adjustment. Like moving my bowhand 4" to the right as he is about 4-5' from my wick and he saw my movement and froze, staring directly at me. I say to myself I'm screwed. Damit, forget about it and give me one step. I've had tension on the string during the last 15yards looking for 1st oppurtunity and now I know I've lost control. He did what looked like a back flip, took two bounds and walked out of my life. I hope you get another chance, I think I saw this one yesterday but stayed out at 70 yards where I saw him Wednesday.