dave brought me a few arrows with feathers today, and stopped by the house and we shot for a few. with a few pointers and a little practice I was getting somewhat decent groups at 13 yards. I shot for a little while after he left(until I had to go get the kids from school), and played around with my drawing hand thumb, and anchor points and figured out a good, repeatable anchor and follow through...after I did that my groups already proved a lot better. It was pretty fun for sure. I don't know when I will be hunting with trad gear, but shooting it sure is fun. I am not 100% convinced that I will be selling my compound as of right now, but I really do like this Tall Tines bow, pretty quiet(almost as quiet as my Hoyt, lol @ dirtybird)...but I had fun with it. I guess we will see how my groups are in a week. thanks for the help dave! you guys should have seen how bad dave wanted to shoot that hoyt...I could see it in his eyes, lol. this should prove pretty fun.