From another LWer input..
Make a pattern by wrapping handle in Saran Wrap to protfct riser.
Rewrap in masking tape but follow contours with tape trying to eliminate wrinkles.(short pieces and/or long)
CAREFULLY (scissors or knife)cut up the front of handle and there's your pattern.
Trace pattern on leather a cut out.Punch holes along lace side.
Wax handle very well!
Wet leather in warm water and squeegee out in several sheets of newspaper.
Optional..glue a thin strip down front of handle to hide the wood/overlays in case you're a little short or when leather shrinks too much.
Many ways to lace your grip.X pattern,I like baseball and one I call "suitcase"..others I'm sure.
I have used also on thinner leather and simple handles,cut leather a little large ,wet and squeegee,stretch tightly around handle and use cheap plier like clamps to pull together in front.
Let dry,mark your center line,remove and trim, punch and stitch.Handle design dictates my approach.It's fun but some handles just don't like
Good Luck.