Thanks for the replies thus far. As for starting with the 62# draw, a guy I work with who's quite the avid hunter thoroughly recommended I start with a much lower draw weight 40-50# especially since I was adamant about getting into traditional bows. He assured me that a 40# draw will take down most anything stressing accuracy, picking your spot, and focusing on and honing form. He told me starting with a heavy draw could be severely detrimental to my success in the aforementioned.
But I came upon this Black Widow LAG for $375 and I'm ready to pay my dues to assure my success in the field, I also figured this bow will likely last me a lifetime. I certainly took my coworker's advice into consideration but didn't want to pass up this bow, upon drawing it for the first time I'm confident that I'll be able to handle the draw weight itself but now the true test is hitting what I'm aiming at consistently.