Me and a friend at work was talking about this today. Your out sneaking around right now and jump a bedded buck. You have no specific plan. What do you do?
I'm going to watch in general direction deer went and try and see how spooked it was. Did it see me ior did I just startle it. I know that buck is there for a reason he picked that spot for its location and wind direction. He wants to be back in there because he obviously feels safe. I take a step back look around at the cover and land topography. I then take advantage of his natural circling instictive to want to get back there to lay, and use the wind to my advantage. And pick a spot down wind on that bed. And pick a route I think he will walk. More than Likely he didn't run but 300 yards max.
Pick my vantage point and wait for the return and possible shot opportunity. You can use this time of year to take full advantage of deer this way. They want to lay/ bed and conserve energy. You have gone through the seasons. Bow, rifle and now it's muzzy/ bow again. Not many guys out, deer are gear to survive and conserve and laying in a strategic feel safe comfort spot. So use it to take advantage of there weakness.
Go out sneak around intending to jump deer then set up accordingly in a few hrs they will be back. Circling down wind using the cover available to get back in there and lay down.
Buck/doe it works. My old smoke pole buddy taught me this years ago. That how he hunted late season. You stay warm, can get a shot walking and only have to set for 1/2-3 hrs.
This just happened on a deer. It only took that buck about 45 min to circle back it but got busted.
How many of you ever tried this? I encourage you to starting right now, it's the season for this tactic.