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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Good Job Dummy  (Read 1604 times)

Offline dingas

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2013, 08:23:00 PM »
Couple years ago I picked up a delta riverbottom buck 3D target and some new easton st epics the same weekend. Was eager to try em out and wife was out so I leaned the buck against the door frame in the kitchen took a shot from my 70# wheel bow at about 6' distance. Apparently the force will bounce the target against the wall and then tip it right forward. Was happy with the perfect center shot, not so much with snapping off the first arrow of the dozen, BELOW the surface, and having to use needlenose vice grips to dig it out. When I finally told her why I was missing an arrow she said serves me right for being such a dummy!

Offline Caughtandhobble

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2013, 09:45:00 PM »
I could tell a lot of stories about my "friend"  :)

Online Pine

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2013, 10:36:00 PM »
When I was about 12 yrs old , a friend of mine and I were shooting a Bear Razor head straight up in the air and watching as it would slowly lay over and them come back down and stick in the ground . We were taking turns . My friend shot and for some reason he couldn't see it and when it came down it went threw the bill of his baseball cap . We were all done at that point and I think he had to go home and change his diaper .   :scared:
It's easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled. Mark Twain

If you're afraid to offend, you can't be honest.

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Jorja Boy

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2013, 10:46:00 PM »
I took my buddy fishing, one time, in my pickup. I was showing off my power rear glass when I heard a crunch. It won't easy to look back and see what I had done. I had converted my brand new $120, 7' shimano teramar into a slightly blemished 6.5' teramar.

Was going fishing one time. Started up the truck, which was parked in the yard, facing the street. Realized I had forgotten a few things in my haste. Ran back in. As i'm gathering my stuff, someone knocks on the door. I answer and the city worker, working on the street, asks me if that was my truck against the phone pole across the street. As I say no, I look past him to find that it is, in fact, my truck. Apparently I was in such a rush, I forgot that I had already put her in drive. The dumbest thing I did in that situation was to admit to the man that it wasn't a stick shift.

Had a phone book leaned against my kitchen cabinets, showing off my new air gun to my buddy. Had I been smart enough to patch up the evidence on the inside of the cabinet door (like I did on the outside), the old lady would have never known how that big ole dent got in her pot. She missed her calling. Should have been a detective.

I have been learning how to shoot my bow, using my shed as a backstop. It looks like swiss cheese (one of them rubber made sheds). Miraculously, I haven't hit anything important inside the shed. I get an earful every time she looks at it though. I wish rinehart made sheds.

Y'all  don't want to know what I do for a living. But, don't worry, I'm a different man from 9 to 5. Y'alls lives are safe in my hands.   :knothead:  

So where can I pick up my prize?

Offline JamesV

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2013, 09:16:00 AM »
Years ago I was setting my sights on a wheely, from the sidewalk in front of my house. For a  60yrds shot, I could shoot down the driveway over the bed of my truck and over the top of the wife's car into the garage where I had a 4'X 4' target. The wife's radio antenna grabbed the arrow and sent it thru the siding of the new garage. Luckily I was able to patch the hole and had some paint left for the fix before my wife saw it.
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When you are having a bad day always remember: Everyone suffers at their own level.

Offline stiknstringer

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #25 on: December 19, 2013, 11:08:00 AM »
I hesitate to tell this but years ago at the Baltimore shoot,while in between targets, my friend Paul stopped to lite a cigarette when I spotted a squirrel going up the tree.I quickely pulled a rubber blunt from my quiver and said "watch this". Well, I missed the tree rat and the arrow bounces off the tree and angles back toward us and up through the canopy. Knowing the arrow might come down close to us,we quickly huddled together trying to avoid being clocked on our noggins. Paul was about six inches away with the smoke still in his mouth when,You guessed it, the arrow came down between us  and clipped his cigarette right out of his mouth.   :knothead:    :knothead:

Offline iohkus

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2013, 12:08:00 PM »
D.Key, I KNEW a guy who did something similar !!
 Only no one was home when HE retrieved HIS arrow!!   :goldtooth:
Hmmmmm. I know you think you understand what you thought I said, but I'm
not sure that what you heard is what I actually meant!

Offline SELFBOW19953

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2013, 02:35:00 PM »
C&H, I was thinking the same thing!!!
USAF Retired (1971-1991)
"Somehow, I feel that arrows made of wood are more in keeping with the spirit of old-time archery and require more of the archer himself than a more modern arrow."  Howard Hill from "Hunting The Hard Way"

Offline R.V.T.B.

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2013, 03:42:00 PM »
About fifty yards behind my house I had tied a thick rope with knots in it from a tree limb for my daughter to climb on when she was younger. I used to go across the creek and shoot my bow and every day I would take a shot at the knot at the bottom of that rope with a judo on my way back. I probably shot 1,000 arrows at it over the years.  Sometimes I hit it, sometimes I missed.  Either way it was safe as the arrows always lodged in the far bank of this shallow creek.  One day I took a shot from about 50 yards out and miracously hit it.  My elation was short lived as I watched the arrow carom off of the knot and head straight towards my 109" wide back window. The arrow shed enough velocity to not hit the window but still had enough momentum to stick into he side of my hot tub cover.

Offline randy grider

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2013, 06:42:00 PM »
firing flu flus one day and decided to shoot over the tobbaco barn. didnt quite make it. had to climb tier rails in the barn to the roof and pull it the rest way through. stupid, stupid, stupid.....
its me, against me.

Offline boznarras

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2013, 01:24:00 AM »
I was staying at my in laws and had my recurve and a block target with me. So I set the block in the back yard, with a nicely sloped bank behind it for a backstop. I thought nothing could go wrong.
I had a miss bury into the dirt, and it resisted pulling out. When it did come out, a fine mist of water sprayed up.
Turns out they had a shallowly buried irrigation system for the yard, PVC pipe between sprinklers that pop up as programmed on a timer setting. I had nailed the PVC pipe with a field point.
Luckily, a tape repair was good enough, since this system is supposed to leak part of the time anyway.

Offline Ibow

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2013, 07:53:00 AM »
A few years back I was shooting in the basement with my nephew at a bear target. Wouldn't you know, he glanced one off the back of the target, it hit the cement wall and came back directly at us. Unbelievably, I grabbed it in mid air and with my warped sense of humor, I immediately held the arrow up pointing into my neck, looked at my nephew and yelled, "OW! It hurts!" I thought the poor kid's eyes were going to bug out of his head. I immediately pulled the arrow away and said, "Ah... I'm just kidd'in ya Cody."      :scared:    

Years later, we still laugh about it.       :p

Offline hvyhitter

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Re: Good Job Dummy
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2013, 05:35:00 PM »
A 2219 from a 67# recurve will eventually find the weak spot in a bag target and then blow through the 1/2 plywood shed side and still get 3 inches of penatration in the side of a 6.5 hp briggs and straton motor.............  and the mower was only a month old..........
Bowhunting is "KILL and EAT" not "Catch and Release".....Semper Fi!

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