I took my buddy fishing, one time, in my pickup. I was showing off my power rear glass when I heard a crunch. It won't easy to look back and see what I had done. I had converted my brand new $120, 7' shimano teramar into a slightly blemished 6.5' teramar.
Was going fishing one time. Started up the truck, which was parked in the yard, facing the street. Realized I had forgotten a few things in my haste. Ran back in. As i'm gathering my stuff, someone knocks on the door. I answer and the city worker, working on the street, asks me if that was my truck against the phone pole across the street. As I say no, I look past him to find that it is, in fact, my truck. Apparently I was in such a rush, I forgot that I had already put her in drive. The dumbest thing I did in that situation was to admit to the man that it wasn't a stick shift.
Had a phone book leaned against my kitchen cabinets, showing off my new air gun to my buddy. Had I been smart enough to patch up the evidence on the inside of the cabinet door (like I did on the outside), the old lady would have never known how that big ole dent got in her pot. She missed her calling. Should have been a detective.
I have been learning how to shoot my bow, using my shed as a backstop. It looks like swiss cheese (one of them rubber made sheds). Miraculously, I haven't hit anything important inside the shed. I get an earful every time she looks at it though. I wish rinehart made sheds.
Y'all don't want to know what I do for a living. But, don't worry, I'm a different man from 9 to 5. Y'alls lives are safe in my hands.
So where can I pick up my prize?