update: I took the turkey to a friend who is an amateur (but very good) taxidermist. We skinned it out and found that, not only was the meat all still good (I was afraid it might not be since I didn't field dress the bird out of fear of messing up its feathers), but he skinned it out and made a "cape" for a mount.
basically, it will be the wings completely spread out, the entire back feathers, and the tail fan, all spread out into a magnificent display, kind of like a shield! I don't have a lot of experience with turkeys, but he was impressed at how big it was (thing weighed 20 pounds, 9" beard), and the wingspan was 4 feet across easily. it is going to look amazing! AND, I am going to get to feed my family with it at Christmas. I'm a meat hunter first and foremost, and was feeling pretty guilty that I didn't preserve the meat properly. I'm going to freeze it for a few days for extra safety, then brine it, then cook it somehow. should be all good. I shared a whole breast with my buddy for helping me.
I will be sure to post pics when it's done. thanks again for all the congrats!