Well, we make a small,medium and large. YOu can have either a 4 or 5 arrow gripper with any of them.
They are very light..even the large. They run from about 4.5oz to 6.5 oz (Small -Large respectively). The weight comes from the arrows.
This year, I have been using the small some and could easily fit 4 average two blade heads and squeeze in 5 if planned out.
I also use the Medium and it will easily hold 5 two blades and 4 three blade broadheads...might even squeeze in 5 thee blades.
When I shoot three blade heads I use my Large quiver as it will hold 5 of my BigJIm broadheads but it is tight...I like to carry five arrows.
Overall head size on the large, a little smaller than the selway.
thanks, bigjim