Hey gang,
I had a question about the limbs for my takedown recurve. When bolted on (not overly-tightened), there is a a hairline of space between each limb and the riser. My question is, is this okay? The bowyer assures me it's fine, but it's a very expensive bow and I want to be sure.
Let me give a bit more detail. The limbs are bolted on with a single bolt. The riser has two stabilizing pins above and below each bolt hole. The hairline space appears about two inches from the end of the riser on each limb and runs until the end of the riser. The space is very, very minute--but it's there, enough for me to see light through it and the outline of the pin. The bow does not make any odd noise when I draw it, and it shoots beautifully.
What do you fellas think?