It's been pretty darn cold around home the past week, in the middle teens each morning and evening. With only a few weeks left in the season, every chance I have to get out there and sit I go.
Hunting in cold weather definitely has it's challenges, between being over dressed and trying to be as quiet as possible getting to stand. Frozen ground and snow crust makes it darn near impossible when hunting small patches of timber.
The one thing that we can't afford to have this time of year is a "noisy bow" and COLD weather definitely multiplies every little sound. I've found the quietness of a longbow really helps with late season hunting. As much as I try to silence my recurve, what sounds quiet in the basement is anything but the last 15 minutes of shooting light in the woods.
I'd love to hear your input on what makes your bow quiet....or what makes it noisy! Every bow is different, every string type and bow quiver can either make or break a good quiet setup.
So what's your choice of a COLD weather bow!