My first hunting experience, I shot from a single-shot rifle handed to me hastily as I was the only one in the right position to take the shot. The doe dropped at 240 yards and never got up. The year after that, I shot at and missed a bear at 50 yards. Not because I couldn't shoot, but because I had stalked it for over an hour uphill and I was pretty much pumped out and could hardly breathe, let alone breathe quietly! I realized I needed to work on my fitness level!
Then last year, I shot a Moose at 40 yards and dropped it right there. Well actually it rolled down a steep hill, but that's another story. This is one that I had called for almost a whole day. This moose though, gave me confidence that I could actually get pretty close to an animal. And I thought to myself, why not try with a bow?
I told myself that I will give myself a year of training with a bow, and so here I am, sucking up as much information as possible. I have a borrowed bow, a 40lb Browning takedown recurve. Some arrows that spined at 60-65 lbs but somehow shoot great out of the bow, and I'm about to order shafts and feathers etc to make my own fine-tuned set.
If I can get good at it, and I really don't know what "good" is yet, I will hunt in 2014 with this bow. If not, I'll pick up my rifle, take out the scope and go iron and give that a go.
I'm really enjoying archery though. Its something I can do in my backyard and with my children. Right now, I can put 6 arrows in an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper from 11 yards (the width of my backyard, unfortunately) quite consistently. I know I need to practice more at longer distances, but I'm confident that with practice I will get better.
Hopefully, sometime around October this year, I can report back with my first bow harvest. Wish me luck on my journey! ;-)