Mo Bow: If you only have a dozen shafts say with a 5# variation, and you want to get them all as close together in spine in the finished arrow, you can do it by turning the arrow such that the stiffest spine is not always perpendicular to the riser. However, that's not the way to bet.
What most of us do is buy a lot more shafts so we can get a close, even exact spine match for 12 shafts, for example, all with the grain oriented perpendicular to the riser. Other shaft spines will be made into different groupings.
Regardless, most folks won't notice and certainly can't shoot the difference in 5# of spine. That's why spines are generally grouped in 5# increments. If you orient all of them with the grain perpendicular to the riser, even though the spines don't match exactly,they'll still shoot better than most have the capability to shoot them, and they'll be less susceptible to breakage.