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Author Topic: Hunt trade anyone? LA or MS turkeys for GA bear??  (Read 467 times)

Offline Tradtical Commando

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Hunt trade anyone? LA or MS turkeys for GA bear??
« on: January 21, 2014, 05:51:00 PM »
I would really like an opportunity to get on a GA black bear (never bear hunted). I do have some minor hunting limitations some of the time. I got banged up overseas and sometimes my legs don't cooperate with my heart/mind. My biggest difficulty is steep down hill walking. Please don't let that discourage you if you are interested in trading. I am fit and can do anything, but sometimes terrain like that takes me longer than I care for. If need be I will rope off and rappell/walk backwards, but I will get it done. I am sorry to have to add that caveat, but please don't let it discourage you.

   :cool:    WHAT I HAVE IN RETURN:::  Ive got access to some of the best turkey hunting land(all private land) in LA and in MS. West Feliciana parrish in LA and Montgomery/Attala/ and Carroll counties in MS. I would also want to play guide, and am more than happy to call, and can assure you we will have opportunity with some nice birds!

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