Yesterday I locked in a bear hunt just north of Maine in New Brunswick. This hunt has been planned for about a year but wasn't certain (God willing of course) until yesterday. The party size isn't set yet but it will be 3-5 of us; myself, brother, best friend, son and BF's son. The two sons are the only question marks -- time is their challenge.
We will hunt the 2nd week of June.
The hunt looked like a bust when just a few days ago only the last week of June and mid-September were open. We had conflicts with both those weeks. But a party of 3 cancelled the 2nd week of June opening it up for us.
My best friend and I bow-killed a pair of bears each in the mid 1980's. But, I want to hunt them with my recurve. It will be very exciting to contemplate hunting bears again -- it's been about 28 years since our last one! Gosh, time flies.
I don't know what bow I'll be using. It will most likely be one I don't own yet. I do know the broadhead will be a Helix. For the first time since returning to recurves I'm planning to change arrows. I'm waiting on some new Full Metal Jacket Injexions. The Helix is now offered in Deep Six configuration or I wouldn't be considering setting my Easton Traditionals aside in 2014.