depends on location and time of year for me...
if in tree stand...i keep phone on my body rather than in pack on tree...if you fall or something you need it where you can reach it...though I always wear harness in tree stands.
I also have in my haversack (warm weather) or pack (cold weather) a compass, small first aid, 550 cord, spare bateman tab, carbide sharpener, fire piston, firestarter cotton balls.
On recent hog hunt in very remote areas only accessible by boat...I carried my Badlands Sacrifice due to low weight and being able to expand it out for full 4 days of gear and food...or compress it down for day pack. I carried every day rain gear, rubber gloves, spare knife, rain poncho and 550 for improvised shelter, glow sticks, compass, GPS, signal mirror, fleec jacket, wool socks, marking tape. My phone was around my neck in waterproof case...wallet with license and one of those plastic fire starting lenses was in ziploc in backpack. I also had two Mountain House meals and my backpacking burner to boil water....hydration bladder full plus had a nalgene on pack. Seems like a lot but really isnt when you are out for a planned 8-12 hour hunt in middle of nowhere...and weather is unpredictable.
When weather can go from balmy to freezing..then you add in some rain...and an overnight stay with or without need to be prepared.