Hello caranthir, I was wondering the same thing ! Actually I stepped away from archery back in 2000,I sorta burned myself out....wasn't fun to shoot anymore and I got married,moved,moved again and let life get in way of my dreams.I did take up golf ( competition junkie ) and tried qualifying/competing on the golf tour,but that's a really hard as I'm sure you all know.I still play and hold a +2 handicap for those that golf.I recently picked the bow up again inspired by my five-year-old who found my old magazine and wanted me to teach him ..... Well I strung it up and stunk it up !!! LoL ... Oh well that's what I get for a 14 or so year layoff. Anyway Ive got some desire and motivation now to enjoy it again.By the way .... It's not like riding a bike !!! I'm actually having to reteach myself how to shoot,and my new form is actually quite different then I remember .... But I'm back and thanks for asking ! Walt
Ps.... Im sure Ill compete again .... Just gotta knock alot O dust off