The other day I finally started tuning some GT trads (55/75) for my 59#@28" TimberGhost Smoke which is cut 3/16 past center. I'm drawing a full 28" and am trying to get a 300gn. point weight to tune well by trimming the shaft.
My brace height is set at 6.5" and nock point is at 1/2", shooting 3 under.
I ended up settling on 31" length (for now?) when I had to stop for the day due to fatigue. At this length, it's coming in at 625 grains giving me around 10.5gpp. I want to stay around the 10 (ish) gpp neighborhood, if at all possible.
The guys that were helping me at the local shop were more interested in the fletched shafts' flight than the bare shafts, saying that the bare shafts are "always going to kick around."
I know that it's possible to get a bare shaft to fly straight, but I also know that I may not shoot well enough to reach that perfect bare shaft flight.
The bare shafts were consistently nock left in the target (right handed shooter), but they grouped fairly well with the fletched shafts.
So, in your experience, am I still a little weak? Or, should I just leave "good enough" alone?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm counting on your expertise!