4 of us have a black bear hunt planned for June 10th-16th with Jerry Russell Outfitters in Quebec, Canada.
Unfortunately, due to bad circumstances, one of our party has had to drop out.
He has already paid $1000 deposit & he is offering his spot to anyone who can afford/make this hunt.
You would have to pay only the balance of $1995 (cash or check on the day) to Jerry Russell (I believe, a Sponsor here), be at Montreal Airport at 12 noon on June the 9th, THIS YEAR.
I know it's short notice, but this is by far & away the cheapest opportunity to hunt bears, ANYWHERE!
Everything is included in the price (flight, tips & car rental share aside) Tag, food, lodging, bait, the works is in with the price.If ANYONE (with a good sense of humor) is interested, you can call me on (931)581 5350 for more details. Alternatively, my EMail is:
[email protected]We CAN do this hunt without him, but I hate to think that Jerry is having to buy the tag (It's already done) for no reason.
We will be 4 of only 8 hunters on a massive parcel of reservation land (the other 4 will be in a different camp) that only allows 32 tags per year (IIRC, those numbers may be off, but I know for a FACT that these bears DO NOT GET HUNTED by ANYONE other than Jerry's clients) We will be the first group to hunt here since June 2013.
There is amazing fishing available, with lakes & rivers holding good numbers of Northern Pike & Brook Trout. I know I'll be bringing my fly gear!
If you've EVER thought about hunting truly trophy sized bears, this is the place to do it.
Check out his website at
www.russelloutdoorguides.com Then CALL ME!
sorry for all the edits. I'm in a hurry!