3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!  (Read 530 times)

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The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« on: April 27, 2014, 04:21:00 PM »
The good:  I got to spend a beautiful spring day outside shooting a great 3D course with my beautiful wife.

The bad:  I shot fewer 10s and wasn't shooting as well as normal.  The targets were a long way out.  Stepping it off, I was finding an average of 35 + yards for my shots.  One shot was well over 40 yards.  I thought it was a bit far for recurves, but thats what the lady said at sign in, so I was sure I was at the right stake.  Shot the whole course and had fun.

The dumb:  I was shooting from the wrong stake all day.  The course owner was at the scoring table when we left.  It turns out that I was told wrong at sign in and I was back where the compound guys were supposed to be!  

It was a great day and shooting the long shots was fun!  I don't feel quite as bad about my shooting now!

Anyone else ever shoot the wrong stakes?

Offline njloco

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Re: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 05:06:00 PM »
Yeah, but we did it to aggravate the wheelie guys, just kidding, we did it because we just felt like it.
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Offline bbell

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Re: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2014, 06:52:00 PM »
When I shoot with my buddies (they shoot compounds) I always shoot from the stake they shoot from. Maybe a pride issue. ;-) It is fun shooting far though.

The first time I went shooting with the guys from my work I drew first shot. They asked if I was going shoot from the closer stake, I said no I will just shoot with them. First target was about a 40-45yd shot on a cougar. I couldnt have walked up and placed the arrow better. They were amazed. I could have missed every target the rest of the day for all they cared after that shot.:-) It was a good day.

Offline damascusdave

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Re: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 07:08:00 PM »
One of the big reasons to shoot 3D is to train yourself to shoot under pressure...shooting 35 or 40 yard targets sure makes shooting game closer seem a lot simpler...I have shot a couple of indoor shoots with targets at 50 yards

I set out a while ago to reduce my herd of 40 bows...And I am finally down to 42

Offline Wudstix

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Re: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2014, 09:20:00 PM »
Yep, shoot with a compound dude on a bet and beat him.  That 12 pack tasted especially good.
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Re: The Good, The Bad, The Dumb!
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2014, 09:41:00 PM »
About six years ago a friend of mine was shooting on a DART video system league. It was a four man team and they had the entire week to go in and shoot since the scores were stored in the data base. One week he invited me to come and shoot with them since one of their team members couldn't make it that week. To make a long story short, I beat all three of them with their compounds shooting a 64" A&H ACS 50@30. The look on their faces was priceless. It was one of those "when you're hot you're hot" moments. It came down to the last arrow and the guy I was tied with flubbed the last shot. He was not happy at all that a stick whooped his hi-tech contraption.
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