Thanks for all the nice comments, I bought a nice Nikon
Camera a few years ago, great investment, even I can take good pics with it.
Mike, set up was typical Double Bull blind with a hen and
Jake decoy. I use the Dave Smith decoys, I don't think you can beat them for realism. Everywhere I hunt I use the same
Setup, always works. The dominant gobblers will just destroy
The Jake, hardly ever pay any attention to the hen.
Bow setup, nothing special, I do like to use a lighter bow, 48 to 50 lb. and I always use a 3 blade head. They just do so much more damage and have a lot more shock than a 2 blade.
I will offer this piece of advice on shot placement. I think the
Frontal or going away shots are the best ones to take.
I have never lost a bird with these shots, I have lost a few with the side shot. Very small kill area with a side shot.
Again, thanks everyone.