Originally posted by mahantango: What spine shafts are you trying to tune to your bow? If you are drawing 52# at your 26" draw length, I'm thinking you're going to need .600 spine shafts and a selection of points and inserts. Remember, carbons get stiff real quick when you start cutting, that's why most suggest starting with them full-length. For example, I shoot .500 full length with 225gr. up front out of most of my 55# at 27" draw bows. [/QUOTEI don't know what kind of bow you are shooting, but a 600 spine would probably be weak on an english long bow with no shelf cut out at all...Those things are noodles. My wife shoots a 600 spine out of her 35# bow.The point i'm making for the originator of this post is that arrow spine is not just determined by draw weight or arrow length and tip weight, but also how far to-center or past center the riser is cut makes a huge difference. Also the performance of the bow you are shooting has a significant impact on arrow spine.If you are shooting a 50# bow that shoots 10 gpp at 160 FPS and your arrow spine is .500. If your bow shoots 190 FPS with the same weight arrow you'll most likely have to jump to .400 or even .340 spine to make it work.... Each bow is different.... it would be helpful to see pictures of your bow & what make it is to get you a good starting point.