I just finished the St Judes Tippit Hog Stripper that I added to the auction as extra incentive to get more money for the Kids. This is my second generation of hog strippers with more changes. The original one was an inside curved blade that slips under the skin & cuts it from the inside. Works great but unless you have a KME JewelStix...very hard to sharpen the curved edge.
Second generation is basically an extreme drop point delta shaped blade with a blunted end used up side down. This allows you to push the blade under the skin and edge cuts up.
Several Advantages...
1) Delta shaped blade cuts like a wedge...thus cutting the skin from the inside being much cleaner than cutting dirty/muddy hair shafts from the outside.
2) The blunt end rides on the muscle or under tissue without digging/cutting anything under the skin.
3) Easy to sharpen.
4) Handle fits in your palm for easy pushing of blade under the skin.
5) Very fast way to skin out a hog or any other creature.
6) By cutting from the inside your edge doesn't dull as quickly as cutting hair & mud.
I haven't tried it yet
BUT a regular delta shaped blade used in this manner works well except it want to cut/dig into the underlying muscle all the time. The Hog Stripper is a single use blade. But from having skinned out mud coated hogs in the past...very useful indeed. I actually like it better than the other knives in the St Judes Package...tippit