i got the package today from Bud B, great job all around. my son was ecstatic to see them and abruptly ran outside with them and strung up his bow and started shooting. first from 10 paces then 18 paces(my paces).
10 paces
he is seriously happy with them and serious about shooting them. form critique welcome. lol. don't mention the bow tiller :D it was a red oak bow that snapped a tip and he started tillering it to a kids bow when he was 5, so we did it together and he been shooting it for 3 years now.
he's just turned 8 so he has time to work on form as well as building his own selfbows, he used b-day and christmas money to buy an osage stave that is 58" for his next selfbow. should be here in a couple weeks. he has officially decided today he wants to back it with copperheads. i don't do snakes so he's on his own.
thanks again Bud B, awesome work.