If you are careful and they are in fact not glued in you can take the limb butt and push the DAS bushing out using the corner of a nice flat sturdy table or counter edge. Use firm even pressure straight down and you should be able to ease the bushing out. You can then carefully press in the ILF bushing using the reverse of the same procedure. It's worked for me many times, just be careful and make sure you grip the limb at the butt end and as close to the butt with the other hand as possible. I'm a strong guy so I've never had any problems doing it this way. If needing to remove the ILF bushings later and convert back to DAS you can use the DAS bushing like a drift and press the ILF bushing out while the DAS one goes in at the same time LOL! Have fun! Be mindful not to lose the tiny ILF springs and nipples and make sure they're seated properly when you start the Allen bolt and don't overtighten...just 'snug' gently.