There was another incident here,in a facility that trains animals for the movies and a trainer was being mauled,another trainer pepper sprayed the bear but it wouldn't stop.They had to get a rifle and shoot the bear to recover the body.
In the Smith/Herrero study linked to earlier in this thread,where they strongly recommend bear spray,they said the spray "stopped undesirable behavior" 90% of the time.They only studied 72 incidents where spray was used in "encounters" with bears.They didn't say "attacks".18% of those bears that were thwarted,had to be sprayed multiple times.The first time didn't stop them.
Conversely,they went all the way back to the late 1800's,studying bear "attacks" and found that attacks were handguns stopped the bears 84% of the time.
Smith said:"The odds are stacked against you with a firearm".He went on to say:"If you are proficient(with the firearm),you have a good chance of defending yourself".
The reasons they cited for firearms failing were:
2.Engaged safety
3.No round in chamber
4.Inability of shooter to reload
All simple fixes.
I read a Herrero statement where he spoke to media after an attack in Canada and he said bear spray was effective 80-90% of the time.This may have been before the study,not sure.
These bear researchers go on to say that spray leaves the bears alive and healthy and that 61% of the bears died with firearms.And,the Western grizzly states that recommend spray,all belong to the Inter Agency Grizzly Bear Committee whose purpose is the recovery of the grizzly bear.
Again,I'm not knocking spray but if they want to compare spray and firearms it should be apples to apples and no parsing of words to make one sound more effective.The look at firearm defense in the study covered probably 120 years or more.In the last 25 years ammo and firearms have become more efficient,especially big bore handguns,and our understanding of what is required in ammo to stop bears has increased greatly as has the availability of it.
I believe a person needs to use what makes them feel safe whether that is spray,firearm or a combination but I also think it is important to read between the lines,regarding information on this subject as some of the information being fed us is skewed.