3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Way confused now!!!  (Read 899 times)

Offline Bar_BN

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Re: Way confused now!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 25, 2014, 11:36:00 PM »
Thanx guys that all makes lot more sense to me
"Its their world out there, we're the tourist " " they sacrifise for our family , that deserves great respect n honor !!! " "Move like a tree, smell like the dirt, and sound like an acorn."

Online mgf

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Re: Way confused now!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2014, 07:00:00 AM »
A 5 inch group at 20 yards will keep you inside the 4-ring on an NFAA 40 cm target. If only half of 60 shots lands in the 5-ring you'll shoot a 270. If the distribution is more "normal", you'll probably shoot closer to a 280. Not many people here are really holding  a 6 inch group at 20 yards...not over very many arrows.

While a "traditional" bow is a simple device, shooting one really well is not so simple.

Personally, I use the arrow to aim. Long arrows, 3-under and the highest anchor I can comfortably shoot keep my gaps small.

Recently I took one little crawl down the string to put me point on at 20 yards. Just put the tip of the arrow on what you want to hit.

It doesn't get any simpler than that. I can even do it "instinctively". LOL

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Re: Way confused now!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2014, 02:49:00 PM »
While Howard Hill described his aiming method in writing, he never mentioned it or taught it to John Schulz.  I look at it as a graphic description of what one does naturally with added acknowledgement of seeing the arrow.  Hill also used the term IMAGINAIRY secondary aiming point, that the eyes MUST be focused at the smallest point of aim possible.  He onced stated that one should not get overly fundamental with the aiming process.  With using consistently the same arrow and bow, your hand and eyes will feel and see a consistent relationship of your arrow and the place you want to hit if you want to or not.  As Hill said with sighting to Schulz, "bore a hole though it."  
  There is a difference from taking one good shot at a game animal than to shooting a tight group at a flat target.
  One trick to test your aim.  Intentionally 'bore a hole through it', but draw slightly off target.  Your internal alarm bells will go off and you will correct your aim at release.  I find it is good to practice this for simulating hunting shots in odd positions, so I get a feel for what is wrong, so if I happen to draw off line on game, I can correct myself and still make a good shot.

Offline AkDan

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Re: Way confused now!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2014, 01:47:00 AM »
Pavan...I do believe if you read Johns writings he's mentioned Howard being his sole instructor.  Along with in his video (initial opening talk portion), though he doesn't come outright and say it in so many words in the video, he does in away....where he really does is in his book.   John from what I've read wasn't a bowhunter or archer at all until he met Howard along with his brother Dan who learned the trade from Howard as well.  Do you have a copy of Johns book?  if you'd like I can message James.   or you can, he runs Hunting under Heaven.


Ok there's one thing that does irk me about this hole bore a hole through it...it makes stincters feel good in my opinion, (mind you I shoot in a more fashion stincter myself so I'm not nagging at ones ideology as much as I am this hole principle of just bore a hole through it and letr rip).  

The reality is before Howard became Howard that we know..he WAS in fact an accomplished target archer.  Which means countless hours at a range, doing the same thing over and over again perfecting a method whatever it was.  Did this method lend itself to bowHUNTING....according to Howards writings, NO.  John follows the same principle 'you pick one or the other'.  The fact is if you start with the target more remigmented style of shooting, you're transition into a hunter style if you will, is an easier transition.  The bows tuned, the shooters tuned, the calculators tuned.  What's left?  Not much!!!

It would be like saying Magic or say Jordan picked up a bball and became some of the best if not one of these best bball'ers known to the history of the sport.  Quite frankly there was a significant amount of time to build himself to this ho hum, bore a hole through and shoot, or casual style. He has or had if you will, already programed the computer we ARE programming..this is the one giant difference.  his was, ours are in the process of.  Its a lot like learning to fly cast on a river full of hungry trout with a fly on your line.  you're catching fish, so you're doing something right.  Many people settle here....where some take it far beyond the next level.   John said Howard was a perfectionist....Howard achieved perfection and didn't settle for less.

Offline Bjorn

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Re: Way confused now!!!
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2014, 02:46:00 PM »
I had the pleasure of shooting with a women's world champion on a couple of occasions she was in our 3D group along with 2 or 3 compounders. To say I was in awe of this woman's expertise would have been gross understatement.
This lady was a string walker, and pretty much rifle accuracy at 3D shots out to 25-30 yds. The compounders were not even close to this lady's level of shooting.
A good level of accuracy is achievable by many I'm sure, and like anything else will take focus, good coaching, commitment and maybe a bit of genetic disposition thrown in.

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