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Author Topic: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers  (Read 2700 times)

Offline LC

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2014, 06:53:00 PM »
All great info I plan on using. My question is I also have a seat of pants harness and love it however it's getting older and seems to have "shrunk" in size the last few years.  I've been looking at new harness's and find very few if any have setups for line man belt hookups. Does SOP still make harnesses or are there better ones that don't way a ton?
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Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2014, 07:11:00 PM »
Originally posted by LC:
All great info I plan on using. My question is I also have a seat of pants harness and love it however it's getting older and seems to have "shrunk" in size the last few years.  I've been looking at new harness's and find very few if any have setups for line man belt hookups. Does SOP still make harnesses or are there better ones that don't way a ton?
There are a lot of great harnesses out there by sop, muddy, spider, etc. About 80% of them have loops to attach a lineman belt to. These loops now are made out of strap material instead of "d" rings. If I were to buy a new harness with loop style rings I would buy some rubber hose and slice it length wise and fit it over the strap loops then tape the rubber hose closed. This way the carabiniers don't snag on the strap loops and you can move very fast. I don't know why (guessing money) that companies don't use "d" rings anymore.
 I also can't believe that companies offer a harness without loops to attach a lineman belt or that the even sell a harness without a lineman belt. I would never buy a harness without a way to attach a lineman belt. Luckily there are a good varity of them out there that do have them.

Offline Bill Kissner

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2014, 11:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by KSdan:
Just climb down my climbing sticks.  Same way I got up.
I'm brain dead I guess. I use a climber and that was what was on my mind in asking the question.
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Offline KSdan

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2014, 07:39:00 AM »
All good.  If I was using a climber. . .  I would probably yell really loud.  Hope that helps. LOL    :bigsmyl:
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Offline Missing Impossible

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #64 on: August 24, 2014, 05:42:00 PM »
Just following up on my experience.  I bought the Ropeman 2 which has dozens of teeth to grab the linesman rope and have quickly found that using it with my SOP linesman belt rope was a PIA since the weave on that rope is very loose, resulting in snagging.  I've since switched to a piece of the 10.5mm climbing rope for my linesman rope with excellent results.  Hard to describe without pics but I added a carbineer to the small cable on the Ropeman 2 and attached it to the linesman rope towards the tree which, when pushed towards the tree, releases the grip of the Ropeman 2 and allows one to increase the distance of oneself from the tree with one hand.

Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #65 on: August 24, 2014, 05:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by Missing Impossible:
Just following up on my experience.  I bought the Ropeman 2 which has dozens of teeth to grab the linesman rope and have quickly found that using it with my SOP linesman belt rope was a PIA since the weave on that rope is very loose, resulting in snagging.  I've since switched to a piece of the 10.5mm climbing rope for my linesman rope with excellent results.  Hard to describe without pics but I added a carbineer to the small cable on the Ropeman 2 and attached it to the linesman rope towards the tree which, when pushed towards the tree, releases the grip of the Ropeman 2 and allows one to increase the distance of oneself from the tree with one hand.
I was waiting to hear how it worked out for you. Glad you like it. I have never used the Ropeman #2. I know the teeth are different than on the Ropeman 1. On my RM 1 you dont have to use that little cable as the cam sticks out far enough that its really easy to use your thumb to push the cam open and let rope out. So I cut the cable off on my RM 1. Might be worth seeing if your Ropeman 2 cam sticks out far enough that you can avoid using the extra carabiner to loosen. Only reason I say that is from a noise factor. that extra biner clanking against the ascender will probably get annoying when hunting. If you can not work the rm 2 with your thumb then maybe try a little loop of paracord on the cable so you have a "handle" that you can pull to let slack out but not be noisy like the extra carabiner will be.

Offline Buckskin57

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #66 on: August 28, 2014, 08:43:00 AM »
Great Video! THANKS,I'll be prepared this season,

Offline Guru

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Re: Lineman belts prussic knots and tethers
« Reply #67 on: September 20, 2014, 06:02:00 AM »
Jason, I got to use my Ropeman on my linesman the other day setting stands......so much better than a prussic loop!!

Not that I felt any safer, just so, so much easier/faster to adjust.....thanx for sharing a great idea!!!
Curt } >>--->   

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