Thanks for the responses guys, I thought I remembered the legal hours were 30 minutes before sunrise not one hour here in SC, always been one hour after for deer.
little Ben, this is the low country, NO ridges or mountains on the coast, highest point in the county is 30' above sea level. However on a white sandy open ridge, 10-15' above sea level, one could see very well with moon near or at full. I have sat in the tree for couple hours after dark just watching and learning as my bow was lowered and at base of tree. Witnessed a pretty decent buck fight this way once.
If I can not get the buck I am after during daylight hours the reward is not worth it. I will admit to shooting a few at dark thirty but that was a while back in my hunting life. Most of the time now I can walk out of woods without the need of a flash light and still be able to look for snakes to avoid.