For the past 12 or 13 years, the Missouri Department of Conservation, along with other state conservation organizations, has hosted the Outdoor Skills Camp for the children and families of the Missouri School of the Deaf and Hearing Impaired. The camp is held at the H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation near Osceola, MO and the United Bowhunters of Missouri was there, as always, to run the field archery range and 3D target course.
One of the things I love about volunteering to work at this camp is getting to see the same kids year after year. It is also especially rewarding when they come up and tell you that archery is their favorite activity to do at the camp! This is the only vacation that a lot of these families get so we try to make our part as fun as possible.
Here are a few photos I took there this weekend.
A young man bearing down at the field archery range
This spunky little gal was adorable...and a good shooter
A great trophy photo
A group photo of some of our happy customers