Pretty darn ugly bow form imho, as ugly as a ILF 3 piece LB, but pretty wood. I see no elegance in this form at all. I am not a big fan of 3 piece longbows anyways, but the Wapiti Spike III looks elegant compared to this bow.
As a comparison, it looks like my first flintlock rifle I built compared to my original rifle from the 1740ies.
This first built rifle shoots great, but lacks elegance and grace to make it feel 100%.
Would I build it like that again? Hell no!
With this long length and this much mass, it is no wonder this bow is accurate. I would try to lower the brace height to about 7" and see how it shoots then.
Just to make an experiment:
Shoot this bow and your favorite longbow. Each around 30 arrows, each arrow at a different target/or from a different position.
Weigh the riser and weigh the limbs. Weigh your "best" one piece LB, deduct the Dakota limbs weight from it and calculate difference between Dakota riser and this value and tape a piece of lead weighing this amount just 1" below your grip on the one piece longbow.
Do the same 30 arrow shooting experiment again.
Does your favorite 1 piece now shoot any better?