Aside from a small weight factor, more on that in a minute, the real difference between them is the amount arrows you can carry.
When I came out with the Absorkee Quiver, the 5 arrow model, I had friends that complained not enough arrows, and so the Emigrant came about, dedicated pocket for a judo point. For some guysq that is still not enough! On the other side of that is the minimalist crowd, that likes fewer arrows, this is where I kind of fit in, and so the Short Trail happened! So really it depends on what you prefer to carry while hunting.
The weight factor, I've always believed that if a guy is going to do something it should be done right and with high quality. The quivers are built to take abuse and last. When placed on your belt, or pack, the quiver goes on doing its job virtually unnoticed. For those that prefer not to have the added weight of a quiver on a bow, don't like added straps around your neck, and those that don't want the added movement of a back quiver, the Absorkee quiver is a great option, picking one is just a matter of your style of hunting!