I'm considering an antelope hunt next September. I haven't decided which state, although Wyoming is high on my list. I plan to hunt public land and wanted to use a tripod. Problem is that many states require the daily removal of stands. That said, cabelas sells the Millennium T-100 ultralight tripod. It's 36 lbs, but is only 8' tall. Is this too low for pronghorns? I would think you would need to be at least 10' to 12' up to avoid detection. The larger tripods would be too heavy to lug in and out. I don't even know if this ultralight would be too cumbersome to carry in and out given the typical distances I would be expected to walk in from.
I also have a double bull blind to use as well, but I would prefer to use a tripod if I'm able to.
What are your thoughts on these techiques? Pros/cons to each setup?