tampons and kotex pads work all too well for plugging and getting a clot going. If you just want to take along a couple of tablets, you can use a soda straw, grip the end with pliers, heat the end to seal it. Drop in your pills, grip the other end, cut it and weld that end with heat. takes more time to get the straw than it will to safely store a couple of asprins in a water proof plastic case.
My big kit includes the topical pain killer, actual sutures and hemostat, scissors, betadine,eyewash, h202, bandaids, gauze, vet blood clotting powder (yeah, but if you have to stop it, this will work), tweezers, ointments, mercuichrome (sp), for highlighting splinters and cacti, a variety of antiacids, antihistimines, asprin and tylenol, tooth pain killer. This kit stays in the truck at every camp we have. I have gotten to clean and bandage up lots of small scrapes and even stitched myself up.
Agree, update your stuff in the kit. I just looked at mine and I am way off date on certain meds.