Last night, after three months of really dailing in with my Thunderhorn longbow, I picked up my Bruin recurve and my BW PSA - was amazed at how I was able to accurately place arrows in the kill zone from 20-30 yards with no warm up.
Is this because I shoot the same arrows from each of my bows and that they are all around the same draw weight? What really impressed me was once again how dang quiet my Bruin recurve is. out of the three (and my Thunderhorn is a long bow) it is definitely the quietest. I put it right next to my Berry Vixen on overall quietness.
Anyways, was wondering how many others shoot mutliple animals each year with different bows? I am struggling on whether to continue with my Thunderhorn (which took a doe opening morning) or grabbing my Bruin when I head out this weekend.
ANd then there is my brand new Taipan that is just waiting to get some attention..... ah choices