New to me anyway. I was shopping for a bow that my wife could learn archery. She has been interested for a while and I picked up a gorgeous Bear Tigercat, 62"/#30. I rubbed out some minor scuffs polished with some fine instrument polish and waxed it with furniture wax. What a gorgeous bow. I put a new shelf and strike plate of soft side Velcro and just waiting on a string from 3Rivers.
Now I am trying to find a similar bow in 50# for myself!! Not that the new Grizzly isn't doing well for me, in fact tuning it is a work in process and I am very impressed with the performance and I was a little concerned that I would be too short for my tall 6'4" frame and 30" draw but it seems to work out for me.
Anyway, my point was that the older stuff just seems much better quality.