Monday I was debating about getting out, and I finally figured i should go. Got set up around 10am and sat wondering why I could hear so many people around. Then I remembered it was Columbus day. Lots of people were out hiking the local trails, and there were a few bird hunters in the woods too.
Around 2pm I was thinking of packing up since I had to get home to meet the kids at the school bus. While putting a few things in my pack, I heard something coming my way, Deer!
A nice Doe came in close and I punched one into the lungs. Since I knew it was a vital shot, I finished packing and left the woods to get the kids.
I went back in the evening to recover the kill. Found my arrow after about 50 yards. Followed blood for a long time, and now it's getting dark, and I need to go to work soon. Left the woods again not happy about this.
After work next morning went back. Found nothing but hair and some body parts. Well, at least someone had dinner.