One of my best friends just built a pond next to his house this summer. It's probably 30 feet deep in the middle. It just filled to capacity a couple weeks ago and he stocked it with fish last week. He just showed me some video of a doe walking down the bank and into the water. She goes in about half way between her belly and the top of her back. So she's not just knee-deep. Then she completely submerges her head and neck under water and apparently is feeding on something growing on the bottom of the new pond. First of all, because of the age of the pond I don't think there's a weed growing in it. There are no trees along the bank where she's feeding so it's not like she's diving for acorns or something. And he says she has returned several days now doing the same thing. She keeps her head under for a pretty long time so she's obviously holding her breath. Who teaches them that stuff? Ha. Seriously, I've spent about as much time with wild deer as anyone and I've never seen it before. Anyone else seen it? bw