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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.  (Read 335 times)

Offline Diamond Paul

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Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.
« on: November 02, 2014, 03:44:00 PM »
I went ahead and ordered an elk big shot direct from the company.  The man I spoke to told me to get a medium, based on the length from the base of wrist to tip of middle finger (7").  I wasn't able to send a tracing, so that's all I had to go on.  Based on 3-Rivers sizing chart, I take a medium Damascus glove or tab.  The service was excellent; it came Saturday, although he said it wouldn't get here till Monday.  It's a very nice glove, very soft leather.  It does seem a tad short, though.  The wrist strap won't strap straight across my wrist; it kind of angles slightly because of the length.  The stalls aren't really tight, but they are pretty short, in terms of how far down my fingers they extend.  I was almost afraid to hook the string, thinking I would get in behind the end of the stalls.  After shooting it, it seems that my hook leaves me about 1/8" of nylon webbing to spare before the string would be past the end (towards my wrist when hooked).  Seems like either the glove is too small for me (a large would be better), or they should think about extending the length of the nylon stalls down about 1/8-1/4".  Based on the tightness of the stalls, though, I would fear a large glove would be too loose, so I'm stuck in the middle.  I didn't have much problem finding my anchor or shooting with it, though.  I will tell you one thing:  there is no doubt that I am getting a very clean release with it.  It appears to give me perhaps 5fps more velocity over my Damascus glove, and the arrows fly very cleanly.  I'm going to call American Leathers and discuss it with them, see what they think.  The glove might be designed to fit this way, but it seems just a tad short to me, and overall I think I might feel more comfortable with the full-shot, which has complete finger coverage.  However, there is no doubt that this is an above average quality product that does give a super-clean release.
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Offline Ron Vought

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Re: Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2014, 04:42:00 PM »
I can tell you that the longer you use it the better it becomes. I tried all sorts of gloves and settled in on the Elk Big Shot glove. It will loosen up a bit so you want everything snug at first. My glove was tight initially but the more I used it the better it fit.


Offline slowbowjoe

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Re: Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2014, 04:52:00 PM »
Like Ron said. Also, I believe the A.L. gloves are sized just a bit smaller than 3Rivers; hard to size gloves, or shoes for that matter, without a definite reference.

Customer service with A.L. is outstanding, and I am quite sure you'll end up totally satisfied. A call will be best for you.

Offline danshao

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Re: Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2014, 05:18:00 PM »
Same here. Got the med size and find it a bit too short. In fact since I have long fingers it felt quite awkward at the beginning. The fingers of the glove end about 3/4 inch before mine. Now after breaking it in I kind of like the small fingers. In fact now I have a large sized but because the fingers are thicker on that I feel the med glove gives a cleaner release.

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Re: Big Shot Glove, First Impressions.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2014, 06:02:00 PM »
It will stretch a bit. I love mine!
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