Okay so I have been hunting hard this week and it really has been aggravating. I have not seen 1 deer let alone loose and arrow toward one. Wind has been perfect for one of my spots and they have been coming in at night. They seem to be all nocturnal. Not all a loss though built up my ground blind more and finding that I enjoy hunting from the ground more than a tree, but it has not produced anything as of yet.
Now the tree rats! I have lost 4 arrows in the last 3 days and I am learning to pick my shots a little better because it is just getting to expensive. I have had an opportunity at a dozen or so shots and not one of them finding their mark, but man some were so close average shot is about 10-12 yards. I actually knocked on out of the tree either sheer panic or the shaft smacked him after the arrow hit the trunk. I see what everyone is saying shooting small game will make you a better deer hunter.
Will be out again tonight but friend and I are going for strictly squirrels tonight. Funny that the wife is now asking me to kill some. She learned a new recipe from some old timer she is working with at work and wants to try it. Maybe if I get lucky I will produce some pictures from the tree to the table.
Thank you everyone for all the information that has been passed down from all the experience you guys collected over the years.