Drawing and holding and letting down slowly left-handed is good. I just ordered one of the BowFit exercisers so I can do that without the bow during lulls at work and at home. I also do gym work about five days a week, light weights, but I always warm up with internal and external rotator cuff exercises with light dumbbells. I've had surgery on one shoulder and separated the other badly in the past, not from archery, so this is insurance. Asbell always recommended drawing with both hands to improve strength, and I think it does help a lot, but don't overdo it. If you can, instead of shooting a bunch of arrows in one session, split it up and shoot maybe 20-30 at a time a couple of times a day, if you are able to do that. I work at night, so I can, but not everyone has the time for it. An inexpensive, very light bow to train with is a very good idea, too. Good luck. Paul.