I wanted cedar but a friend talked me into carbon arrows before I go to cedar. He reckoned as a new and extremely inconsistent shot with a recurve, I would do well to eliminate all the inconsistencies I could as I practice. He said that straightness, weight per inch, diameter, and spine would all be more consistent with carbon. ( or aluminum, I chose to go the carbon route) I agreed to try and shoot carbon while I develop correct form and get more consistent. I bought 6 Beman Centershot trad carbons. They are spined 500 and have 5 inch right helical feathers. They came with brass inserts that weigh I believe 75 gr and can be cut off and will weigh 50. The arrows are a full 32 inches and according to Beman weigh 8.3 gr per in. I plan to shoot Simmons 165's with this set up. I installed the inserts just like they came. 75 gr. I did not cut the shafts, left them at 32 inches. I had some 125 field tips and I put them on. I just had to see how they were going to fly. Now, my draw is a shade over 29.5 almost 30. My bow is the Samick Phantom with 40# limbs at 28 inches. All I have had to shoot so far are cedar test arrows at 55-60 and 60-65 spine weight. I had 125 field tips on them too. I was all over the place mostly left of where I wanted to hit. Today I tried the carbon set up as I described. I started at 10 yds. WOW, 3 arrows ( all the tips I had) in an area the size of a softball and center! I saw no fishtailing or arrows trying to get sideways. I backed up to 15 and shot the three again. Same deal, all in a small group and centered. Did this about 6 times. Best I have ever shot with a recureve. ( I know, 15 yds is very close and 40 lbs isn't much) The fletchings were all just slightly to the left in the target each time but you have to walk up to the target to tell. Yes, I did have a couple of low shots, not all were perfect but all were in the center of the paper plate. My 165 gr Field tips and broad heads should be here Friday or Saturday. I. can't wait. I plan to put the heavier weight tips on it and shoot to see how it does. If the arrows still want to lean to the left a tad,I can also trim about an inch and a half off the total length if I need to. Then there is the 25 gr of insert I could remove if needed...at least now, I feel really good about shooting and have confidence that I can get the arrow tuned to the bow. Kind of excited.