To stand and ready for a,shot as,soon as I spot a deer coming in. twice the deer did not stick to the script. And I hand cuffed my self by getting pinned down by a big ten then he got right under me and looked right up at me. The other I had a small window to shoot but could not cuz I was sitting. And needed to stand he was in and out of my lane to fast.
The other thing I learned (again) was always be ready in the pre rut no matter the weather or deer activity they can be,where you least expect it. ( jumped one miday by nonchalantly taking a ladder down from a tree.
And not to take a rest day during the rut even if it's during gun season.
I'm sure I' could think of more. But those are the main ones. I did not loose one arrow at a deer all season. Just,stumps and squirrels.