For those of us who've never tried to secure private land to hunt in Wyoming, myself included, it can be done. I have been doing a lot of research lately in preparation for a 2015 archery Antelope hunt in WY. My hunting buddy and I wanted to hunt on private land, if possible, but wanted a DIY style hunt.
After several hours of research and numerous phone calls to the WY Fish & Game Dept. and prospective landowners, I found a gentleman who owns approximately 12,000 acres who invited us to hunt. The best news of all was that we will be the only hunters on the ranch during our bow hunt, and he only allows six other archery hunters during the season not including us. The rancher was really friendly and we had a great conversation!
Now, I know we still have to draw a limited quota license, but I have high hopes of drawing a tag and here is why. The hunt region and hunt unit I selected is mostly private land, which means there are usually 100% success rates on Antelope tags with zero preference points, and left-over licenses after the primary lottery.
It seems like a daunting task to wade through the wealth of data available online, on the WY F&G Dept. website, but it can be done without a tremendous amount of work. We will be paying a trespass fee, but for those hunters who aren't willing to pay trespass fees you can find landowners who charge no trespass fee or a very reasonable trespass fee, if you look hard enough.
Now the long wait until September!