Love these threads! My list:
Stalking and Still Hunting by Asbell
Hunting the Hard Way and Wild Adventure by Hill
Adventurous Bowmen and Ishi the last Yahi by Pope
Fred Bears Field Notes
One with the Wilderness by Mike Mitten
Sagitarius by Swineheart (all time favourite)
anything by Don Thomas
There are many still on my want list:
From the den of the old bowhunter - Stevenson
Bows on the Little Delta - wife bought me for Christmas, haven't got to it yet.
Lions in the Path - Stewart Edward White
Anything written by either of the Wensel's has to be an entertaining read.
Longbow - Campbell
I cannot wait for Monty Browing's book to become a reality and hopefully, some day the long awaited Paul Schaefer book.