An Axis trad @ 32" would be roughly 638 grains with the 50 grain insert and 250 grain point.
The FMJ @ 32" with regular insert and 250 grain point would be w/in 3-4 grains. Both should come in very very close to 10 gpp of draw weight.
I would use JB weld on the HIT inserts for either one, but the Axis trad would get footed whereas the FMJ doesn't need it.
The Axis traditional looks better in my opinion, but I do like the finish on the FMJ as it makes for much easier target pull.
I am truthfully only going to go with either one of these arrows, I've tried Gold Tips and don't like them, AD's are too thick, Grizzly Stik's would make me take out a 2nd mortgage if I owned my home, and woodies look really cool but break too easily.