I don't mean sound mean, or aggressive in any way by saying this but I have to wander after reading through this thread, are most of yall hunting in the parking lots?! I hunted at Grand River last fall (the worst according to sources for deer density, and people problems) and had no trouble at all getting on deer. I worked my butt off, and would walk 15-20 minutes straight away from parking areas before I even started looking for deer sign.
I found not only tons of sign, but got on deer. I only got to hunt there 2 evenings(had access to private land as well) due to time constraints, and saw deer both evenings. I was there in the first week of November (it was hot) but still saw a dang stud daddy (140-150") 9pt with a locked-down doe, right beside the road, on public ground.
I am plum jacked up for next year, and have already decided to pass on the private land I have access to due to the confidence I had on public ground.
I know some folks don't have the blessing of being young and healthy as I do, but if you put in the time and boot wear, there are good deer to be found. I hate to see folks read this thread from non-big buck states (As mine, NC) and pass on an opportunity that is as inexpensive and readily available as OH.
Next year, I plan on multiple trips to multiple Public areas(if Grand River was the worst, I cant wait to try others) as well as multiple times of the year.
Like I said, please don't take my post as a know it all kid undermining locals as that is not my intention at all, I just want to put it out there that if a man works for it, it is a great time and great opportunity. Take this as you will, as a 100" buck to me is a good deer with a bow for me, and that is what I am hunting for, and more so than that-a great time with friends and family.