Typically the red oak family trees begin falling first and last longer due to having small acorns and more of them. The white oak family trees usually have larger acorns and begin falling 3-4 weeks after the red oaks.
If the acorns you see are green then they are falling prematurely due to wind, squirrels, etc. When they are mature and fall on time the red oaks are light brown to dark brown. The white oaks are dark brown to very dark purple. The true white oak, (quercus alba), is very dark when mature. In the south I call it purple rain. That is the time to be hunting.
Some of the red oaks, such as water, willow, laurel and swamp laurel have very small thin short leaves. Others such as shumard, pin, southern red, northern red, turkey, blackjack, etc. have large broad leaves with pointed fingers.
Most all white oaks except live oak have broad leaves with rounded fingers.
Deer love the red oaks but will walk past a red oak to get to a white oak due to less tanic acid in the white oak, hence "white".
Sorry for the rant but I love this stuff.