AMO standard is a string length three inches shorter than your bow length, through lot of folks feel that 4 inches shorter than bow length is right for recurves. Could take the middle ground, 58 1/2 inch finished string. (Of course, if you have an old string from your bow, just measure it to get the finish length). I usually use about 9 inches for the loops on recurves, so would add 18 inches to 58 1/2 inches -- 76 1/2 inches.
Be sure to start your first loop 9 inches from the end of the string. When you have that one done, put the string on the nock and gently stretch the string along the belly side of the bow to eyeball it to confirm that you also need to start the second loop 9 inches from the end. Might need to vary the start a half-inch to an inch one way or another. Works for me.