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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Buying my first asian bow, want to make the right choice  (Read 1555 times)

Offline Angelus

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Re: Buying my first asian bow, want to make the right choice
« Reply #20 on: March 04, 2015, 05:41:00 AM »
Originally posted by Nativestranger:
[QB] I have shot and owned all types of asian blows including Hwarang, Grozers, Akosbow and cheap chinese made horsebows. If you insist on a Korean bow, the Kaya KTB performs close to the Hwarang at a lower price. I have one and it's a good little bow. The korean bows are high performance bows but a little hard get good arrow flight with their low 5" brace height. Prepare to learn the thumb draw if shooting with the korean bows. With 3 finger draw there's quite a bit of finger pinch after 27" of draw.
The Akosbow laminated Turkish is another model I would recommend. It draws smooth and easy to shoot accurately. Even with 3 finger Mediterranean draw there's no finger pinch. Very affordable too. Many archers at our local club have switched to this bow from the Korean bows.

Grozer biocomposites. Somehow they attract alot of criticism on the web for their use of modern materials (which other bows like Hwarang also used) but otherwise they can be recommended. The Assyrian model performs the best. It has a large brace height easy to get great arrow flight and draws comfortably with 3 fingers to over 30 inch without stack. Another model I tested was the biocomposite Hungarian. This is one of the best looking horsebow on the web with its horn facings on the grip, siyahs and limb bellies. Despite the large siyahs it's surprisingly fast and very stable and easy to shoot.
The biocomposite Scythian is a new bow that I recently received and it has quickly become one of my favorite. Very similar shooting dynamics to the korean bows except larger brace height closer to 6" vs 5" for the korean bows and a little less twitchy due to higher bow mass. Surprising smooth draw for such a compact bow.

Thank you for your recommendations, i think i reconsider some of the bio-composites. Have you ever shot a SMG before? I'm interested in their laminate horn bow.
- Cheers

Offline Nativestranger

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Re: Buying my first asian bow, want to make the right choice
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2015, 07:44:00 AM »
No I tried the standard Hwarang but never had any experience with the horn carbon SMG. Though I heard good things about them. Google should should turn up lots of results about these bows. Or you can contact Thomas Duvernay to discuss about which korean bow would suit you best.
Instinctive gapper.

Offline trad_in_cali

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Re: Buying my first asian bow, want to make the right choice
« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2015, 11:41:00 AM »
I like Cinnabar bows and know Justin personally, he shoots with me in San Francisco and comes to SF Archers 3D shots. Great sguy, absolutely upstanding and knowledgeable (and a great teacher if you're in the Bay Area). He helped me work a thumbring properly (even if I decided it wasn't for me, was confusing my 3-under form).
Thumbs up! (Pun intended)

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