DSD, best on the market, my hunting partner and I have
Bow killed 11 in the past two years since starting using them.
I had grown gobblers run 200 yards across a field to attack my
DSD Jake. Many up close and personal fights at 10 yards or less. We even had a dominant Hen jump on our Hen decoy
Last year, talk about a buttkicking. We've had Coyotes come in on them, Bobcats and even a Great Horned Owl tried to take off with a hen last year.
I,think the Jake is the ticket, Gobblers just cannot stand for a Jake to be any where near a Hen. They pass by the hen and come straight to the Jake almost every time.
Monster buck, let us know how that Strutter works, I know some folks use them with success but I'm betting you will miss some action from young Gobblers and Jakes.